I love Blazers! The end.
I feel as though you’re looking for more…fine, fine, I’ll give you more.
*Cough Cough*
I REALLY love Blazers!
…still not enough?
Okay, okay, I get it. Here goes…

Ralph Lauren Blazer

Stafford Blazer

Hugh and Crye Blazer

Frank and Oak Blazer
I love blazers. They’re one of the many ways we men now have to express ourselves. No longer do the girls get to have all the fun. No longer are we, as men, confined to simply a black, grey, navy or heaven forbid, olive suit. You know the olive suit. The one all of our Dads or Granddads have. The one they wear with the world’s ugliest tie. Well no more!
When it comes to blazers these days, the sky’s the limit. The fashion industry has blessed us with all sorts of patterns, textures and beautiful colors. Now it’s true, these particular sport coats can get a bit pricey. But with a little effort, there’s no need to spend hundreds of dollars on one jacket. There are lots of discount sites out there and if you’re paying attention to the sales events, you don’t pay an arm and a leg just to gussie up your torso. I’ve found that the real trick is to wait for end of season sales. They practically give stuff away at those sales. It’s best to stock up on what you need at these times. Of course, it requires some patience, as you won’t really be able to wear most of it until that season rolls back around. But hey, there’s always and unseasonably cold or hot day here and there, so you can break out the fresh new gear.
I know what you’re thinking…“I too love blazers now!”
…not enough?
“I too REALLY love blazers now!”
…Still missing something? Oh I got it:
“I love blazers! And that Christian is so awesome. I wish he was my best friend and then we could read comics together and do all sorts of fun activities and…”
Too Much?
Here are some of my favorite blazers that I was able to get for under $100 each.

For help pairing up these (and other) blazers with shirt and tie combinations, you can always find me on Instagram (@gasketraynes).
Check out his Instagram (@gasketraynes) for more awesome posts!
@gasketraynes wrote, photographed and produced this post exclusively for:
IG: @DapperProfessional
Twitter: @DapperProfesh